DOULTON Biotect Ultra, Activated Carbon Filters
45,00 €
DOULTON BIOTECT ULTRA 0.2 μm. Replacement active carbon filters for Doulton devices. In us you will find the original and original spare filters of the FILTADAPT and D-CP devices of the English DOULTON
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DOULTON Biotect Ultra, Φίλτρα ενεργού άνθρακα
DOULTON BIOTECT ULTRA 0.2 μm. Doulton Appliance Replacement Filters. In us you will find the original and original spare filters of the FILTADAPT and D-CP devices of the English DOULTON
Nominal filtration 0.2 microns
Filtration capacity: 2,300 liters of water
Water flow 3.3 liters per minute with a constant pressure of 3 bar.
Replacement filter life: 6-9 months (depending on supply quality and consumption)
Biotect Ultra Filter Description
The Biotect Ultra replacement water filter is a ceramic filter that includes Block type activated carbon and incorporates advanced heavy metal reduction and removal technology.
It is ONLY compatible with Doulton Filtadapt and D-CP devices from Doulton
It is still one of the most commercial and widespread DOULTON filters both in terms of sales and quality.
Biotect Ultra Filtration Stages
1st Stage: Microfiltration to retain bacteria, cysts and microparticles.
2nd Stage : Silver filling material for antibacterial protection and prevention of bacterial growth in the system
3rd Stage: High quality activated carbon to remove chlorine, organic compounds and improve taste and odor
4th Stage : Removal of heavy metals and lead.
Biotect Ultra retentions
Water turbidity>
Removal of cysts ( Cryptosporidiosis, Giardiasis):>
97.4% free chlorine removal;
Lead @150ppb 98.7%;
E. Coli bacteria – coliforms/ Cholera/ Shigella ·
Shigellosis/ Typhoid Bacteria/ Klebsiella Terrigena 99.99% ·encoded_tag_closed>
Lindane Insecticides @ 0.1ppb encoded_tag_closed 85% TCP Phenols @ 1.2ppb encoded_tag_closed 50% >>
PAH's @ 0.2ppb 95%;>
Trihalomethanes Chloroform @ 150ppb encoded_tag_closed 50% ·>
Solid suspended particles, soils, rust, sand;
Unpleasant taste and smell
Vegetable pigments · Solids sediments, cigars, dregs ·
Chlorine (Sodium hypochlorite) Na CLO
Trichloropropanone, Tribromoacetic acid · Bromoform, Chloroform, Benzene, Toluene, · Bromodichloromethane, Trichloroethane. Tetrachloroethane
Pesticides, Herbicides, Epoxide, Toxaphene, DDD, · Chlordane, 2,4 D-DDE, Insecticides, Lindane,
Industrial solvents, Hydrocarbons;
Volatile organic compounds (VOC's), Toxic gases,
Toxic compounds
Organic contaminants,
Chloramines, Chlorophenols
Heavy metals · Lead, Copper, Mercury, Zinc, Chromium, Nickel · Cadmium, Bromine, Boron, Cobalt, Manganese, Titanium, Sulphur, Iron ·
Microorganisms, Cysts,
Bacteria, Parasites · Salmonella, Siggela, Pseudomonas, Legionella, Staphylococcus, ·
Protozoa, Entomoeba, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Toxoplasma, ·
Intestinal streptococci, Amoeba,
E-coli coliforms
Asbestos, Asbestos fibers, Atrazines
Additional information
Weight | 0,4 kg |